
How many blogs have you tried?

Apparently, I have tried at least one other than blogger.com.

Our computer/internet is up and running, so I was looking back through our history prior to the power supply biting the dust. I found that I had opened an account at ezraweb.com and posted one item on in August 2007.

Copied and pasted for all to enjoy. Rob and I sure did.

Last Friday Rob and I made the decision to home school using Ohio Virtual Academy. Rory seems very excited. I just need to make sure that Eli is occupied enough so that Rory will stay focused on her work.

Rob had his drug test last Friday, and he goes for a background check tomorrow. We're hoping that he will get word on a start date within the next week.

Saturday morning came early and messy. Rory had climbed into bed with me before Rob had left for work (6am), falling back to sleep before she could ask if she could watch cartoons in my bedroom. Eli woke up around 7am. He made a stop in the kitchen to grab two eggs. Bringing them to my bed, cracking them in my face and whispering that he wanted scrambled eggs for breakfast. The day before I had fixed boiled eggs and showed the kids how to crack the shells off.

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